The following list lists errors which can start in a Java practical appurtenance (JVM) upon BlackBerry devices. Contact Research In Motion® (RIM®) if we confront any blunder codes not listed in this table.
101Previous startup failed
The device was reset during a JVM boot process. The JVM found a foot in swell dwindle was set upon startup. The shade is dictated to mangle successive reset loops so which visual movement can be taken.
102Invalid formula in filesystem
The complement checked a COD files in a device for alteration as well as dynamic which a complaint exists with a single or some-more COD files.
If all loads fail, a set up routine blunder competence start (a complaint exists with signing a COD files).
If a user movement upon a device resulted in this problem, a reset cycle is successive given a formula in a filesystem has been corrupted. The customarily liberation routine is to clean a device as well as revive a latest system.
103 Cannot find starting address
The starting residence for a foot COD jot down cannot be found. This competence prove which a foot COD jot down has not been commissioned upon a device or which a format is shabby or corrupt.
An uncaught Java difference was thrown by a Java formula as well as diagnosed by a JVM. Execution can continue, or a device can be trustworthy to a debugger upon a desktop computer. The Microsoft® Windows® Event Viewer jot down should enclose a traceback of a thrown exception.
Example, DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d
The jot down complement focus programming interface (API) has returned an blunder standing for a specific operation. This competence prove a hurtful filesystem or an blunder in a JVM.
Graphics complement error
An blunder was rescued in a graphics complement upon a device.
operator new() called
A C++ category in a JVM was coded wrongly to get from VMRamObject which has a scold overrule for user new. Extract a stream (post-reset) BUGDISP.
operator delete() called
A C++ category in a JVM has was coded wrongly to get from VMRamObject which has a scold overrule for user delete. Extract a stream (post-reset) BUGDISP.
PriorityMessageCount error:
The worth returned by RimPriorityMessageCount is negative. It should regularly be larger than, or next to to, zero. This indicates an blunder in a handling complement code. Extract a stream (post-reset) BUGDISP as well as EVENTLOG.
Non-idle eventuality downtime error:
A complaint was rescued in a accumulation of JVM down time, which represents how prolonged a JVM has been idle. This customarily indicates an blunder in a device firmware or a JVM. This could additionally start if a parasite equate rolls over after 400 or some-more days of device time.
Font engine error
An blunder was rescued in a rise engine complement upon a device. Extract a stream (post-reset) BUGDISP as well as EVENTLOG.
Java Native Assertion Failure
An blunder was rescued in a Java internal code. Extract a stream (post-reset) BUGDISP as well as EVENTLOG.
Application physical education instructor threw an uncaught exception
The focus physical education instructor eventuality thread threw an uncaught difference as well as cannot go upon execution.
Crypto initialization formula failed
The initialization of a crypto complement unsuccessful as well as a device cannot go upon execution.
An conflict upon a pass store has been detected
An conflict has been rescued as well as execution cannot continue.
Console routine died
The focus physical education instructor console routine (usually a Ribbon) has died. This is approaching due to an uncaught difference during execution.
Persistent Content Exception
An focus attempted to dedicate a plaintext intent to a Persistent Store. This will customarily start if Content Protection is upon as well as a routine tries to save something in a PersistentStore which is noted as plaintext. Since this difference was not handled, a determined store is in a bad state. You should reset to hurl behind to a final great dedicate point.
Note: This is not a JVM erro; a JVM is simply diagnosing a problem. The eventlog contains inform about a erring Java code.
Internal Error This is an blunder lapse used internally in a VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
All processes exited The final Java routine has terminated. There is zero left to execute.
Internal Error This is an blunder lapse used internally in a VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
Internal Error This is an blunder lapse used internally in a VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
Bad Byte Code An blunder has occurred in a JIT compiler.
506 Uncaught Exception
An uncaught Java difference was thrown in a primary VM Java thread, to illustrate finale a customarily live thread in a system. The eventlog contains a traceback for a exception.
507 Unsatisfied Link
A dependency upon a COD jot down could not be confident given a COD jot down is missing.
508 Invalid object
A complaint has been rescued with a debugger authority to a VM.
infinite double back in PPO proviso of GC The extent iteration equate for a PPO proviso of a GC contingency be a extent series of jot down handles in a system. This blunder indicates which a iteration equate exceeds a maximum. Hence, a smirch exists in a PPO double back or a depraved jot down system. The additional conjuration integer in a blunder fibre is a peep id of a stream jot down where a gigantic double back was detected.
510 Deadlock
All threads have been watchful upon objects, ensuing in deadlock. The complement cannot redeem from this state given no thread can recover a lock.
511 Debug tie died
A complaint has occurred whilst debugging which might be caused by a VM complaint or an improper debugging authority being sent to a VM.
512 GC Aborted
An resting rubbish pick up has been interrupted by a user eventuality (for instance, a pass was pulpy or a trackwheel was used).
513 needs running
An opcode requires which a category govern prior to it can go upon execution.
514 needs running
A latest example of a category has been allocated as well as it contingency be initialized by a default constructor prior to it can be used.
515 Object organisation as well big
The reachable objects form a organisation which cannot be represented scrupulously by a JVM given possibly there have been as well most objects or a sum distance of a objects is as well large.
516 Persistent ids exhausted
When committing a determined object, a JVM found which a determined store id opposite reached a limit. The intent was not committed as well as a vicious blunder was reported. This blunder should not start unless a device is heavily used for years.
517 Filesystem corrupt
An craziness was rescued in a JVM determined intent store.
518 Unexpected longjmp
A rubbish pick up imprinting proviso was consummated around a longjmp. This indicates which a imprinting proviso was interrupted when it should have finished though interruption. This blunder should not start given these actions have been executed when a device is not idle, as well as GCs can customarily be interrupted when a device is idle.
519 Internal Error
The JVM horde is blank or has been disabled.
520 Internal Return
This is an inner state which indicates a Java routine lapse needs to be executed.
521 Dangerous Wait
An Object.wait() was executed by a thread which binds a close upon an additional object.
522 Interlaced synchronization
A thread acquired dual thatch upon objects in an sequence which doesn’t compare a sequence in which a close upon a dual sorts were formerly acquired. This indicates a destiny intensity deadlock incident as well as is reported. The check is customarily accessible in a simulator underneath a carry out of a JvmDebugLocks focus switch.
523 System routine died
A vicious Java routine has terminated, as well as a device cannot go upon to work in a normal manner.
524 LMM error
An intent has been noted as recovered by a Low Memory Manager, though it was not liberated during a rubbish collection.
525 Bad determined object
An auto-commit operation during a rubbish pick up rescued a non-persistent intent reachable from a determined store root. The sort of a intent was outlay in to a eventlog.
526 java.lang.Object not found
The category clarification for java.lang.Object cannot be found.
527 java.lang.String not found
The category clarification for java.lang.String cannot be found.
528 Corrupt filesystem.
Unrecoverable. All interpretation will be mislaid All interpretation will be mislaid when execution continues. The blunder summary shade contains a series representing an inner reason for a corruption. This blunder is not diagnosed if a COD jot down was private given a JVM contingency undo objects which were tangible in a private COD file. Thus, this blunder is not approaching in normal device operation. Refer to a following reason codes:
Root form anxiety is not a current form reference
Root form sort is not Object[]
Root form distance < 1 (i.e., Object[0])
Contents of root[0] is not a current ref
Type of root[0] is not a LongIntHashtable
Persistent segmented form header contains an shabby reference
An entrance in a determined Object[] contains an shabby reference
An Object’s sort refers to an opposite codfile
An Object’s sort outline in a codfile doesn’t compare a distance in a store
A anxiety sort margin in an Object has an shabby anxiety in it
A anxiety sort margin in an intent points to an intent of a wrong type
A determined Object[] is blank a descriptor
Object in determined store is not noted as persistable
Root form is segmented as well as a single of a segments is invalid
529 Corrupt filesystem.
About to try recovery. Some interpretation might be mislaid Some interpretation will be mislaid when execution continues. The blunder summary shade contains a series representing an inner reason for a corruption. This blunder is not diagnosed if a COD jot down WAS private given a VM contingency undo objects which were tangible in a private COD file. Thus, this blunder is not approaching in normal device operation. Refer to a following reason codes:
Root form anxiety is not a current form reference
Root form sort is not Object[]
Root form distance < 1 (i.e., Object[0])
Contents of root[0] is not a current ref
Type of root[0] is not a LongIntHashtable
Persistent segmented form header contains an shabby reference
An entrance in a determined Object[] contains an shabby reference
An Object’s sort refers to an opposite codfile
An Object’s sort outline in a codfile doesn’t compare a distance in a store
A anxiety sort margin in an Object has an shabby anxiety in it
A anxiety sort margin in an intent points to an intent of a wrong type
A determined Object[] is blank a descriptor
Object in determined store is not noted as persistable
Root form is segmented as well as a single of a segments is invalid
530 VM_PREVENT_GC_OVERFLOW: _preventGC overflow
A bound series of internal objects can be stable from rubbish collection. This blunder indicates which a internal has exceeded a bound extent of objects which can be protected. If a device is reset or thread tracebacks have been logged, a name of a tangible internal can be extracted.
531 Flash exhausted
There have been sure operations where a JVM cannot ward off regulating out of peep space. In these circumstances, this blunder will be reported if a JVM cannot allot a compulsory volume of peep space.
Assertion unsuccessful Normally this JVM blunder should not be reported given a device is not shipped with assertions enabled. The simulator might inform this blunder in debug mode indicating a VM avowal was violated. Try typing BKPT to turn on a debugger as well as bail out a internal call smoke-stack for forwarding to a VM team.
533 VM_RUN_METHOD: needs running
This is used internally for ECMAScript to call Java methods.
Fast Reset Disabled This is used internally to prove which quick reset capacity is not available. Often used in platform-specific code.
535 VM_UNUSED_535:
Unused This is an latest VM error.
536 VM_FAST_RESET_BAD_INSTANCE: VM Instance Check Failed
This is used internally to prove which a VM make up upheld in is during a wrong residence or has been corrupted.
537 VM_FAST_RESET_BAD_HEAP: Heap Check Failed
This is used internally to prove which a VM store has been depraved or pointers in to a store have been corrupted.
This is used internally to prove which a VM IRAM checks have rescued crime of VM interpretation structures (threads as well as internal stacks) which reside in IRAM.
This is used internally to prove which a VM was not resting when a reset occurred and, as such, cannot go upon with a quick reset.
This is used internally to prove which a time given a final quick reset is reduction than a smallest time. By disallowing mixed quick resets in a reduced volume of time, this should forestall quick reset loops.
541 VM_HEAP_COMPACT_INFINITE_LOOP: gigantic double back rescued in store compaction
The VM rescued a complaint in a RAM store which indicates a RAM was corrupted. The complaint was rescued by identifying a probable gigantic double back during RAM store compaction. A bugdisp jot down as well as eventlog should be extracted fast when a device is in this condition. If possible, images of RAM should be saved.
542 Transient mental recall leak
The JVM rescued which a little mental recall was not freed, indicating which a mental recall trickle has occurred. This condition is rescued as early as probable to urge chances of isolating a cause.
543 VM_FS_MISMATCH: Incompatible Java filesystem installed
The VM rescued which a handling complement binary is opposite from a handling complement binary used to emanate a Java jot down system. This equates to which a Java internal methods might not be related scrupulously as well as as such, a firmness of a complement cannot be guaranteed. The complement can be recovered by regulating a VM DLFX as well as DLPS commands to undo a fixups as well as determined store. This will transparent all interpretation as well as fixups as well as let a filesystem re-link to compare a latest handling complement binary.
Note: The liberation sequence is:
Delete fixups
Delete determined store
Reset device
544 VM_SECTION_MAP_OVERFLOW: a procedure references some-more than 255 alternative modules
The VM rescued which a procedure is perplexing to anxiety some-more than 255 alternative modules. Extract a filesystem rught away when this blunder is
545 VM_INCOMPATIBLE_FILESYS: an exclusive or hurtful filesystem was found
The VM rescued an exclusive or hurtful filesystem. Extract a filesystem rught away when this blunder is detected.
546 VM_UNUSED_546: unused
The VM rescued which a RAM picture of a filesystem is depraved (failed CRC check). Better to reset than to transcribe a crime in to flash.
547 VM_UNUSED_547: unused
This is an latest VM error.
548 VM_UNUSED_548: unused
This is an latest VM error.
549 VM_UNUSED_549: unused
This is an latest VM error.
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